This week’s scriptures talk a lot about money and about where our ultimate care and safety lie. 1 Timothy 6 reminds us that what matters is to have our basic needs met. Wealth is not a basic need and can deceive us into thinking it is what the “Good Life” is really about. As verse 10 warns: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.”
Jesus takes it further in the Gospel reading, telling the story of a poor man named Lazarus who sat outside the doors of a rich man’s home. Lazarus begged for even scraps of food but received none. When he died, the angels carried Lazarus to heaven. When the rich man died he…well, he wound up in a whole other place. Seeing Lazarus by Abraham’s side, he called up and asked Abraham to send Lazarus down to give him a sip of water because he was tormented by flames. Abraham said that the chasm between the two was now too great. The rich man asked if Abraham would send Lazarus to warn his brothers of the fate that might await them. Abraham responded, “They already have Moses and the prophets, what more do they need?”
I believe we are given all we need to live a good and faithful life through the scriptures. Jesus lays out a teaching to show us a way to live more deeply in love with God and others. There are those in our life who live in such a way that the truth of the Gospel’s claims is confirmed. Are we willing to be faithful to Jesus’ teaching? Are we willing to order our lives so that—no matter our wealth or poverty, health or disease—we will make Love our highest aim and our greatest commitment? Are we willing to order our lives so that this Love will connect us to others in profound ways?
Love compels us to share all we have with others. Love sees those the world overlooks. Love responds to the needs around us. Love is active. Love creates connections, bridges, and relationships that build beloved community.
May you allow Love to open your eyes, your heart, and your hands so that you can see those around you, listen to their voices, and share the love of Christ in tangible, life-changing ways. In this way, may you find your life enriched in ways money alone cannot provide.