Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Reign of Christ

This Sunday is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, as next Sunday begins the Advent season. This day is known as “Christ the King Sunday”. The gospel text, John 18: 33-37, is an exchange between Pilate and Jesus. Pilate knows that Jesus poses a threat to the status quo, but doesn’t quite understand what or how. So he asks Jesus outright: "Are you the King of the Jews?"

Jesus makes it clear that his kingdom is a far cry from Pilate’s. It is not based on votes cast or military might. It isn’t swayed by opinion polls or news reports. Instead, it is a reign of selflessness for the sake of others. It is a kingdom so radical that the lion shall lay down with the lamb and enemies will beat their swords into plowshares. It is  God’s now and not yet Kingdom that rises up from the grave of humanity’s brokenness into the new and sacred  life of resurrection power. 

How do you offer your allegiance to Christ’s reign? Are you settled into a status quo that includes the well-being of some but not all? Are you treating the earth with your tender care? Are you emptying yourself of greed, status, self-reliance, and selfishness to make room for others? Are you giving yourself over to Christ, who beckons for you to create with him Beloved Community?

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