Friday, September 8, 2023

On Eagle's Wings

This summer has been spent in deep prayer and discernment. It has been forty years since I began serving as a clergywoman in The United Methodist Church. This coming year will be my last before retirement.


I have listened for God’s voice as I have asked, “How can I serve well in this last year? What should I focus on? How can I bring my best self to all matters and relationships?” I opened myself up to the pain I carry, having broken a stained-glass ceiling. I have felt anger rise up in me about the lies that have been said about me that encouraged people to seek disaffiliation. And my heart was filled with so much joy as I thought of all the people I have been blessed to serve and be in ministry with.


In the sacred silence, as I listened for God’s still, small voice, I was aware I was not alone. Every morning, as I prayed on the deck, eagles would keep me company. Not one, not two, but a whole nest! I felt comforted knowing I was not alone in the space, as I sought discernment about the future.


Seven years ago, when I was overwhelmed by the threats, hatred and condemnation that I received after my election as bishop, Robin and I came to Nova Scotia to visit my uncle. We went for a drive and as I was driving, I began to cry silent tears. I just didn’t think I had the strength to go on as bishop. I love this ministry, I love the people of the Mountain Sky, and I love The United Methodist Church, but I just didn’t think I could take one more step. I felt empty and scared.


Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something coming towards us. It was an eagle! It flew right past my window and then flew ahead of me, directly at eye level, and led me as I drove for a couple of miles! And then, without me touching my phone, this song from my playlist began to play:


Hold me close

Let Your love surround me

Bring me near

Draw me to Your side.

And as I wait

I'll rise up like the eagle

And I will soar with You

Your Spirit leads me on

In the power of Your love.


(from The Power of Your Love by Geoff Bullock. You can listen to it here:


It was in that moment that I knew God was with me, and with power and grace would give me what I needed to serve faithfully. When I returned home after that visit, I felt God’s strength empowering me and guiding me.


How right, in this last summer of active ministry, God provides me with companions to remind me of God’s presence and power. Mick Jagger sang it best: “We don’t always get what we want, but we get what we need.”


This summer, I received a blessing I didn’t even know I needed. I am returning to the Mountain Sky with joy and anticipation of all that is before us, knowing that in all things, we will be lifted up on the wings of the Holy Spirit.


Let’s do this!

1 comment:

  1. It was lovely meeting you! Best wishes for another season in Mountain Sky.
